Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long workshops. Follow the links below to read all about them and to register!

June 28-July 5, 2025
More info…

August 9-16, 2025
More info…


Stay in Touch

There’s more than one way to stay connected to the EEFC throughout the year. Subscribe to our email Newsletter for monthly updates. Join the Discussion List (an active email group with searchable archives since 1993). Send us a message.

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Join the circle.
Make a contribution.

Since the beginning the East European Folklife Center has depended on you—our big-hearted community!


Our 2022-23 programs are supported in part by a generous grant from the California Arts Council.


Frequently Asked Questions

How is the EEFC organized?

The EEFC is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer board with 5 to 11 members. The board is responsible for defining and promoting the mission of the organization, and oversees operations, staff, and various committees. Board members chair Program, Finance, Marketing, and Development committees.

Learn more about the board, the staff and the committees. The staff and board can be reached through the contact page.

How does one get on the Board of Directors?

Board terms are 5 years and staggered, so every year new volunteers join the Board. The standing Board communicates about open positions through the listserv and MailChimp. Anyone can apply. If you are interested in joining the Board, please reach out to a current Board member or use the application form.

How can one support the EEFC?

Our end-of-year fundraiser is an annual giving program to help cover the gap between workshop tuitions and the cost of putting on our programs. Your reward of the warm glow of knowing that you are contributing to the continued existence, health, and growth of our organization.

Learn more about contributing and join us!

I can’t attend a camp, but I’d like to learn more about Balkan music and dance. How can I do this?

The EEFC email discussion group is a great resource for finding events in North America and abroad. If you join the forum, you will find that the community is generally happy to offer information and resources about music and dance. There is a wealth of knowledge out there. The discussion forum archives are also available for keyword searching. Learn more about the listserv and sign up.

Our Facebook page also has information about music and dance events around the US. “Like” the page to get updates. 

Subscribing to our email Newsletter to receive our monthly newsletter and other timely announcements.