Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long summer camps. Follow the links below to read all about them!

June 15-22, 2024
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August 10-17, 2024
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Kef Times

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Current Donors

Thank you!

2024 Donors

Contributor list updated as of July 29, 2024. Our 2024 drive has brought in $65,787 — which includes $40,434 in general donations and monthly sustaining contributions, $17,636 for our Kef Scholarship Fund and Good-To-Go Scholarship Endowment Fund, $2,279 for the Nest Egg Endowment Fund, and $5438 for our new East Coast Children’s Program Fund. Please consider donating to EEFC today.

Donations of any size are always welcome!

Bands, Choruses & Dance Groups

Balkan Sundays (San Francisco, CA)
Grupa Dunbarov (Vancouver, BC)
Humboldt Folk Dancers (Arcata, CA)
Mixed Bag (Columbus, OH)
Musiki Parea (Vancouver, BC)
Tuesday Night Revival Balkan Dancing (Waltham, MA)
Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band (New York, NY)

Corporate Donors & Matching Donations

Network for Good
PayPal Giving Fund

Individual, Family & Sustaining Contributors

(monthly sustaining contributors marked with an asterisk)

Evgeniya Angelova
Jennifer Archer, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder, and in honor of Marlis Kraft
Cindy Ashcraft
Chris Aston
Dan Auvil
Jim Avera & Barbara Babin
Atilla Aydin Trust (bequest)
Annie Bachar
Nancy Bannister
Judy Barlas, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder
Ralph Bates
Paul Beck
Lenore Bell & Bashir Yonoszai, in memory of Melvin Clark & Carolyn Clark
John Bendix, in memory of Jane Bendix
Michelle Benoit
Frances Berge
Gail Berlin
Susan, Paul & Nathan Bernacki
Frederick Bialy
Belle Birchfield & Michael Ginsburg*
Hannah Blair
Sunni Bloland
Carol Bloom
Joe & Barbara Blumenthal
Laura Blumenthal
Marion Blumenthal
Leslie Boden & Jerry Kisslinger*
Susan Bolotin
Jessica Bondy
David Brock
Dean Brown & Dee Ramee
Paul Brown
Sam Buchieri
Jeanne Busch & Tony White, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder, and in honor of Marlis Kraft
Nancy Butowski, in honor of Eric Frumin
Priscilla Carlson
Randy Carrico & Deborah Dukes
Matt Case, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder
Christopher Castelle
Erika Chin, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder
Morgan Clark & Batja Bell, in honor of Marlis Kraft
Jeanne Clifford
Rena Cochlin
Bruce Cochran
Emily Cohen & Eric Frumin*
Leni Cohen & Scott Wilson
Martha Cohen & Marc Wolman*
Steve Collins*
Gladys Comeau-Morales
Roger Cooper & Judy Olson
Edmund Cordray & Leslie K. Hyll
Jacqueline Corl-Seidel
Jo Crawford
Amanda Crego-Emley
Janice Darling
Naomi Segal Deitz
Tabitha Doniach
E. John Doubt
Darina Drapkin
Marchette DuBois
Marlene Dworkin
Karen Eckhart
Marian Eines, in memory of Carole Frank
Jordan Ellison
Brad Emmett
Leah Erez
Marilyn Morrison Erway
Sheila Ewall
Rima Fand & Greg Squared
Rima Fand, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder
Polly Tapia Ferber
Sarah Ferholt*
Melinda Fields
Jeff Fine
Mark Forry
Kathy Fors
Susan Frank
Rebecca Freed
Mike Gage & Sandy Cherin
Jeff Garaventa & Michele Simon
Erica George*
Erika Gerson
Ira Gessel
Jeff Giaquinto
Anna Goldberg
Henry Goldberg
Melanie Goldberg
Barbara Golding
Gene & Eva Goldwater
Barbara Gottfried*
Fiore Grey
Sharon Grodin
Heidi Gundlach
Thea Hambright
Bryn Hammarstrom & Lynne A. Graham
Joan Hantman, in memory of Yves Moreau
Susan Hatlevig*
Emerson Hawley, in honor of Marlis Kraft
Glynis Hawley & Andy Kacsmar
Jim & Marie Hayes
Riccardo Heald
Jo Hernandez
Biz Hertzberg & James Hoskins*
Tom Hixon
Frances Hoenigswald
Camille Holmes
Susan Hovorka
Lanita Hyatt
Morty Isaacson
Patricia Iverson
Emily Jarrett Hughes
Jill Johnson
Nicole Johnson
Connie Strohbehn Kaczmarczyk
Lea Anne & Tom Kangas
Lea Anne Kangas, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder
Carole & Paul Kantor, in memory of Bill Jones
Nina Kavardjikova
Solange Kellermann, in honor of Eric Frumin
Bette Kelley
Atid Kimelman
Bill King
Karen Klevanosky
Marlis Kraft & Miriam Zemel, in memory of Jay Zemel
Noel & Judy Kropf, in honor of Marlis Kraft
Rick Kruse
Craig Kurumada
Julie Lancaster & Jim Schwartzkopff
Ari Langer
Thos Lankston
Michael Lawson & Lori McConnell
Sonne Lemke
Roberta Levine
Mark Levy & Carol Silverman
Sara Lindberg
Sonia Lipson, in honor of Ralph Iverson & Melinda Fields
James Little
George Long
Margaret Loomis & Larry Weiner, in honor of Marlis Kraft
Rachel MacFarlane
Barbara MacLean
Jim Madigan*
Linnea Mandell*
Linda Mansdorf & Michael Sternberg
Konstantin Marinov
Jana Marioposa Muhar
Alex Marković
Mary Marshall
Helen Marx
Katia McClain
Jim & Nancy McGill
Michael McKenna & Debbie Webb
Eileen Menteer, in memory of Theodor Vasilescu
Margaret Miller, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder
Melissa Miller
Amy Mills*
Mary Mischenko & Paul Gabbert
Kathy Molga
David Moseley
Ken Moss
Matt Moran
Kathleen Mratinich
Fanche Nastev
Len Newman & Lisa Shochat, in honor of Marlis Kraft
David Owens
Craig Packard
Laura Pannaman
Ann Partlow
Nancy J. Peterson
Robert Pleshar & Elisabeth Johnson
Holly Plotner
Ariadne Prater & Mitchell Allen
Denys Proteau
Maclovia Quintana & Adam Waite
Susan Reagel
Chris Rietz & Deb Huxtable
Suzanne Rizer
Rebecca Rubin
Eva Salina, in memory of Corinna Škėma Snyder
Owen & Barbara Saxton
Daniel Schleifer & Johanna Walczak
Leslie Scott
Wendy & Doug Shearer*
David Shochat
Bonnie Silver, in honor of Eric Frumin
Jonathan Skinner, in honor of Laura Pannaman and in memory of Martha Forsyth
Lewis Smith
Cathie Springer
Suze Stentz & Richie Leonard
Ilana Stoelting
Helen, Jon & Evan Stuart
Howard Susser
Teri Sykes
Debby Szajnberg*
Terri Taggart
Ingrid I. Talmadge
Ben Thomas
Holly Thuman
Dina Trageser
Randy Trigg
Barbara & John Uhlemann, in honor of Marlis Kraft
Carmen D. Valentino
Annemoon van Erp
Flora, Zusya & Heshel van Wormer
Robin Van Zak
Velko Vechev, in memory of Bill Lanphier
Ruth Viera
Sandy Ward & Ken Harstine
Barbara Whittlesey
Sue Williard
Shana Winokur
Mary Wolff
Kimberlee Wollter
Beth Wright, in memory of Yves Moreau
Patrick Yacono
Loretta M. Yam
Naomi Zamir
Alan Zemel, in honor of Marlis Kraft
and two anonymous donors


Please report any corrections or omissions to

2023 Donors

Contributor list updated as of September 30, 2023. Our 2023 drive brought in $85,071 — which includes $57,699 in general donations and monthly sustaining contributions, $25,502 for our Kef Scholarship Fund and Good-To-Go Scholarship Endowment Fund, and $1810 for the Nest Egg Endowment Fund.

Bands, Choruses & Dance Groups

Chubritza International Folk Band (Arcata, CA)
Gradina Folk Ensemble (North Bay Area, CA)
Humboldt Folk Dancers (Arcata, CA)
Mixed Bag (Columbus, OH)
Musiki Parea (Vancouver, BC)
Planina Songs of Eastern Europe (Denver, CO)
Tuesday Night Revival Balkan Dancing (Waltham, MA)

Corporate Donors & Matching Donations

American Online Giving Foundation (Benevity)
Network for Good
PayPal Giving Fund

Individual, Family & Sustaining Contributors

(monthly sustaining contributors marked with an asterisk)

Andy Adler & Ann Braude
Petar Aleksiev
Douglas Lane Allen
Abby Alwin
Evgeniya Angelova
Jim Avera & Barbara Babin
Martha Awdziewicz & Dennis Weis
Annie Bachar
Kent Bailey
Judith Baizan
Anna Banchik
Gloria L. Barello, in memory of Dick Crum
Judy Barlas
Ralph Bates
John Bendix
Michelle Benoit
Gail Berlin, in memory of Myra Rosenhaus
Virginia Berlin
Frederick Bialy
David Bilides
Belle Birchfield & Michael Ginsburg*
Hannah Blair
Irene Blanchard
Sunni Bloland
Carol Bloom
Barbara & Joseph Blumenthal
Marion Blumenthal
Dennis Boardman & Andrea Trautwein
Leslie Boden & Jerry Kisslinger*
Janet Boggia
Susan Bolotin
Jessica Bondy
Steve Boyer
Katie Brawley
Lauren Brody
Dean Brown & Dee Ramee
Elise Brown
Paul Brown
Barbara Bruxvoort
Samuel Buchieri
Jeanne Busch
Nancy Butowski
Krista Canterbury
Priscilla Carlson
Bart Carpenter
Randy Carrico & Deborah Dukes
Christopher Castelle
Cleo Chappelle
Morgan Clark & Batja Bell
Jeanne Clifford
Joyce Clyde
Bruce Cochran
Emily Cohen & Eric Frumin*
Leni Cohen
Leslie Cohen
Martha Cohen & Marc Wolman*
Steve Collins*
Gladys Comeau-Morales
Roger Cooper & Judy Olson
Jo Crawford
Amanda Crego-Emley
Teymour & Susan Darkhosh
Joyce deSaussure, in memory of Bill deSaussure
E. John Doubt
Marchette DuBois
Marlene Dworkin
Karen M. Eckhart
Marian Eines
Rachel Birtha Eitches
Jordan Ellison
Brad Emmett
Leah Erez
John David Eriksen
Sheila Ewall
Rima Fand & Greg Squared
Sarah Ferholt*
John & Gunila Feroe
Melinda Fields
Steven Finney
Sheldon Finver
Mark Forry
Catherine Foster
Rebecca Freed
Anna Rose Gable
Michael Gage & Sandra Cherin
John Gallant
Muriel B. Garfinkel
Brent Geary
Ken Genetti
Erica George*
Sarada George
Erika Gerson
Kate Gerson & Charles Maddison
Ira Gessel
Joey Gilbert, in memory of Edward Gilbert
Anna Goldberg
Henry Goldberg
Melanie Goldberg
Eva Goldwater
Adam Good
Edward Good
Barbara Gottfried*
Wade Gray
Leslie Griffin
Steven Gruverman
Sándor Halász & Roberta Jaskolski
Emily Jarrett Hughes
Thea Hambright, in honor of Michael Ginsburg
Bryn Hammarstrom
Joan E. Hantman, in memory of Sophia Poster and Gerda Ben Zeev
Susan Hatlevig
Emerson Hawley*
Glynis Hawley & Andy Kacsmar
Jim & Marie Hayes
Riccardo Heald
Sara C. Heitshu, in memory of Terry Friedman
Biz Hertzberg & James Hoskins*
Robert Hoffnung & Marsha Beller
Vita Hollander
Camille Holmes
Susan Hovorka
Lanita Hyatt
Arlene Imagawa & Mark Jenkins
Morty Isaacson, in memory of Erica Zissman
Pat Iverson
Jill Johnson
Shirley Johnson
Connie Strohbehn Kaczmarczyk & Mike Strohbehn
Lea Anne Kangas
Irene Karavokiros
Solange Kellermann
Bette Kelley & Wayne Gulden, in honor of Saul Stahl
Memo Keswick
Jenny Kilgore
William King
Monica Kirkland
Karen Klevanosky
Ralph Knag
Nancy Goldstein Knight
Marlis Kraft
Noel & Judy Kropf
Sheila Krstevski
Rick Kruse
Craig Kurumada
Julie Lancaster & Jim Schwartzkopff
Ari Langer
Kostya LaPasha
Michael Leach
Sonne, Nick & Tamara Lemke
Theresa Levin
Roberta Levine
Mark Levy & Carol Silverman
Nesa Levy
Sara Lindberg
James Little
Sonia Lipson, in honor of Ralph Iverson & Melinda Fields
Margaret Loomis & Larry Weiner
Rachel MacFarlane
Jim Madigan*
Linnea Mandell
Konstantin Marinov
Alexander Marković
Mary Marshall
Helen Marx
Katia McClain, in memory of Dick Crum
Ken McCormick
Nancy & Jim McGill
Michael McKenna & Debbie Webb
Amy Mills*
Betsy Moore
Matt Moran
John Morovich
David Moseley
Kenneth Moss
Kathleen Mratinich
Fanche Nastev
Judy Newland
Clayton Newman & Nancy McGhee
Olga Nikolic-Litwin
Maria Noël
Julie Orth & Frank Garcia*
Craig Packard, in memory of Mile Kolarov
Patrick Paglen
Laura Pannaman
Ann Partlow
Jeanne Peck
Susan Pinkham
Janet Platin
Rob Pleshar
Holly Plotner
Adam & Samin Pogoff
Jane Pook
Zina Pozen
Ariadne Prater & Michell Allen
Denys Proteau
Mary Proudfoot
Maclovia Quintana & Adam Waite
John Ridgway
Chris Rietz & Deb Huxtable
Suzanne Rizer & Tom Hixon
Thorn Roby
Elizabeth “MB” Ryan
Varol Saatcioglu, in memory of Vassil Bebelekov
RosieLee C. Salinas
Owen & Barbara Saxton
Stuart Schaffner
Betsy Schiavone
Daniel Schleifer & Johanna Walczak
Rich Schultz & Christine Montross
Robert Schulz
Leslie Scott
Marjorie & Bill Selden
Evin Sellin
Jenette Sellin
Sara Senie
Wendy & Doug Shearer*
David Shochat
Bonnie Silver, in memory of Shulamit Locker
Michele Simon & Jeff Garaventa
Jonathan Skinner
Catherine Springer
Carol B. Smith
Catherine Smith
Lewis R. Smith & Melissa Miller
Marilyn Smith
Matt Smith
Corinna Snyder
David Solnit
Jeffrey Sonis
Carolyn Spier, in memory of Diane Montgomery
Sarah Spratley
Michelle Srbinovich
Suze Stentz & Richie Leonard
Daniel Stern
Michael Sternberg & Linda Mansdorf
CB Stevenson
Helen Stuart
Jane Sugarman
Corinne Sykes
Debby Szajnberg*
Ingrid I. Talmadge
Sarah Tanzer Talbot
Demetrios Tashie
Radka & Ulf Temnitzer
Ben Thomas
Laurel Titus
Carol Toffaleti
Dina Trageser
Marguerite Treat
Randy Trigg
Barbara & John Uhlemann
David Unterman
Carmen D. Valentino
Flora, Heshel & Zuya van Wormer
Kristina Vaškys
Chrysanthie Voreas, in memory of Nick Voreas
Sandra Ward
Gisela Welsh
Jan Williams
Susan Williard
Scott Wilson
Sabine Wolber
Kimberlee Wollter
Beth Wright
Patrick Yacono
Loretta M. Yam
Danilo Yanich
Naomi Zamir
and three anonymous donors