Michele Simon, a longtime and beloved singing teacher at the West Coast Mendocino Balkan camps, will be using innovative exercises and imagery to develop technique for safely creating the bright forward sound characteristic throughout the Balkans. Her work is rooted in universal fundamentals: anatomy, breath, individual vocal range, performance ease, and safe-singing practice. In the class we will work intensively on placement of resonance, and then learn a song to explore close harmony, ornaments, pronunciation, non-western scales, and odd-metered rhythms.
All levels welcome!
5 weeks (4 weeks of lessons, final week Q&A)
Wednesdays, 6/17/20 through 7/15/20, 5pm-6pm Pacific
Free-will suggested donation of $15 per class or $60 for the 5-week series.
The class will have a private Facebook group for community building, and classes will be conducted via Zoom. Please note that you only need to register once, no matter how many classes in this series you attend. We will issue new Zoom codes for each class to maintain security. Use the first link below to register, at least two hours before your first class.
Presented by the EEFC