Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long summer camps. Follow the links below to read all about them!

June 15-22, 2024
More info…

August 10-17, 2024
More info…

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Find out almost everything you always wanted to know about the EEFC’s in-person Balkan camps.


Kids at Camp!

Our in-person workshops are a great experience for families. Get the scoop to ensure everyone has a blast!


We award full scholarships to our in-person workshops.
Find out more

Covid Guidelines

COVID-19 Guidelines for the 2023 EEFC Balkan Music & Dance Workshops

The EEFC Board of Directors and Staff have devised and approved these guidelines, following CDC recommendations, large-event best practices, and input from a community survey. Please note that these guidelines are subject to change. Additionally, we will follow any site or state guidelines that are more strict than our own.

The primary goal of our organization’s Covid policy is the well-being and longevity of our community. As such, we are requiring the following from everyone planning on attending our camps:


  • Up-to-date vaccinations for all attendees.
    • Up-to-date vaccination is considered:
      • Completion of your primary vaccine series: two doses of the Pfizer, Moderna, or AstraZeneca vaccine or a single dose of Johnson & Johnson/Janssen AND
      • At least one booster, preferably the bivalent booster, within one year of the start of camp.
      • If you have completed your primary series—but are not yet eligible for a booster—you are also considered up to date.
      • If you have a medical reason for not getting the primary vaccination series and/or booster, you may submit a doctor’s letter along with your proof of vaccination documents (see below).
    • We recognize this is an evolving landscape, and if the CDC definition of “up-to-date” changes dramatically in the coming months, we will take that into account.
    • Proof of vaccination should be provided through copy of vaccination card 1 month before the first day of camp, or when registering if that is within one month of camp.


  • Testing. Campers will be asked to take a rapid test on the first day of camp before arriving at the site. Any camper with a positive Covid test may not attend camp. All campers will also be asked to take another rapid test on the Tuesday of camp. We reserve the right to ask campers to test again before or after Tuesday if it appears that people are getting sick.
    • Any campers arriving at camp after the first day of camp are expected to take a rapid test on the day of their arrival before arriving at camp.
    • Guest musicians, B&B attendees, and pre-registered evening partygoers will have to test on the day they arrive at camp before arriving on site.
    • In addition, campers should test if they don’t feel well at any point during camp.
    • Campers are asked to provide their own rapid tests for testing on Tuesday, and are encouraged to bring additional tests with them.


  • A signed statement of individual liability, including common-sense guidelines (available during registration), and which will include a commitment from each camper to have a plan for how to leave camp if they test positive.

  • Register at least a week before the workshop. All attendees MUST sign up for camp no later than 7 days before the first day of camp.
    • Registration after that point will not be accepted.


In addition, we recommend (but do not require) the following:

  • Masking: optional, based on the comfort level of each camper. We strongly recommend that campers wear masks indoors whenever possible.
  • If a camper has to travel by airplane to reach camp, we strongly recommend that they wear a mask on the airplane and in the airport to minimize the likelihood of their getting Covid en route.
  • If a camper has to leave camp to run an errand or go into town, we strongly recommend that they mask at those times.


PPE. We are asking all attendees to bring 2 to 4 rapid tests apiece, as well as their preferred masks (N-95, KN-95, or KF-94 recommended). We will also have the following available to all attendees:

  • Handkerchiefs for dancing
  • N-95, KN-95, or KF-94 masks
  • Hand sanitizer
  • A few extra rapid tests


How will this policy impact guest musicians coming up to play at an evening party?

  • Guest musicians will be approved by the EEFC in advance, and will have to follow the same protocols as other campers, including providing proof of vaccination and a negative rapid test result on the morning of the first day of their arrival.

Will Bed & Breakfast campers be allowed?

  • Yes. They will have to comply with the same Covid regulations as other campers (proof of vaccination, negative rapid test on the day of their arrival).

Will evening party drop-in guests be allowed?

  • No, we cannot accommodate evening party drop-in guests this year. All attendees, including evening party-goers, must register at least one week before camp begins, and must comply with the same Covid regulations as all other registrants.