Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long summer camps. Follow the links below to read all about and register for the 2024 workshops!

June 15-22, 2024
More info…

August 10-17, 2024
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Find out almost everything you always wanted to know about the EEFC’s in-person Balkan camps.


Kids at Camp!

Our in-person workshops are a great experience for families. Get the scoop to ensure everyone has a blast!


We award full scholarships to our in-person workshops.
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Raif Hyseni

Albanian/Kosovar Ensemble

Raif Hyseni hails from The Republic of Kosova, which has a large Albanian majority. He grew up in the town of Mitrovicë, where he studied accordion at music school and performed in amateur ensembles.

Before moving to Tiranë in 1992, Raif was a well-known radio and television performer in Kosova’s capital city Prishtinë, where he performed with legendary violinist Isak Mucolli. Through his recordings and media appearances, Raif has become known as a major innovator on the accordion, for which he has composed dozens of instrumental melodies and songs. Raif holds a Master’s degree in music from Montclair State University. He has written music for accordion, as well as songs, theater, and documentary movies. In 2014 at Montclair State Raif founded and continues to head the Balkan-Albanian Ensemble, the first of its kind at a institute of higher education.

Raif and his wife, singer Merita Halili, emigrated to the United States in 1995, and now make their home in Caldwell, New Jersey. They perform frequently around the country on numerous stages, festivals and at community weddings.
