Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long summer camps. Follow the links below to read all about and register for the 2024 workshops!

June 15-22, 2024
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August 10-17, 2024
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Find out almost everything you always wanted to know about the EEFC’s in-person Balkan camps.


Kids at Camp!

Our in-person workshops are a great experience for families. Get the scoop to ensure everyone has a blast!


We award full scholarships to our in-person workshops.
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Ralph Iverson

Jam/Teaching Session on Complex Balkan Rhythms

Engineer by day, musician by night, Ralph Iverson has performed for folk dancing since 1985, and has been a regular at the East Coast Balkan Music & Workshop. His main instruments are gadulka and violin. He also plays viola, flute, whistle, saxophone, tambura, kaval, brač, lijerica, kemenche, and other instruments. He plays classical and modern music in the Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra, and in the New England Philharmonic. Starting in 2011, Ralph has submitted compositions six times to a competition “Bulgarian New Music in 7/8,” generally winning second or third place honors.

Ralph’s class is geared towards intermediate/advanced players, and will involve some sight reading and some teaching. Beginners are welcome to give this class a try, especially at the start.