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Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long summer camps. Follow the links below to read all about and register for the 2024 workshops!

June 15-22, 2024
More info…

August 10-17, 2024
More info…


Stay in Touch

There’s more than one way to stay connected to the EEFC throughout the year. Subscribe to our email Newsletter for monthly updates. Join the Discussion List (an active email group with searchable archives since 1993). Send us a message.

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Since the beginning the East European Folklife Center has depended on you—our big-hearted community!


Our 2022-23 programs are supported in part by a generous grant from the California Arts Council.

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The Organization

The EEFC is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 1982.

The organization is governed by an all volunteer board. It is run by two year-round part-time staff members, volunteer committee members and a host of full- and part-time paid and work-exchange workshop staff.

EEFC news, announcements and other information, like board meeting notes and reports, are posted in the EEFC Blog section of this website. Subscribing to our email Newsletter, joining the Discussion list, and following the EEFC on Facebook in addition to checking this website are good ways to stay informed.


Policies & Guidelines

Code of Ethics for EEFC Board Members


To establish a set of principles and practices of the Board of Directors (hereinafter “Board”) of the East European Folklife Center, Inc. (hereinafter “EEFC”) that will set parameters and provide guidance and direction for board conduct and decision-making.


Members of the EEFC Board are committed to observing and promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct in the performance of their responsibilities on the EEFC Board. As such, Board members pledge to accept this code as a minimum guideline for ethical conduct and shall:

  • Faithfully abide by the EEFC’s Articles of Incorporation, by-laws and policies.
  • Exercise reasonable care, good faith and due diligence in organizational affairs.
  • Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, any and all information or facts which may result in a perceived or actual conflict of interest.
  • Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, any and all information or facts that would have significance in board decision-making.
  • Remain accountable for prudent fiscal management to EEFC community members, the EEFC Board, and the nonprofit sector, and, where applicable, to government and funding bodies.
Professional Excellence
  • Maintain a professional level of courtesy, respect, and objectivity in all EEFC activities.
  • Strive to uphold those practices and assist other members of the Board in upholding the highest standards of conduct.
Personal Gain
  • Exercise the powers invested for the good of all EEFC community members rather than for his or her personal benefit.
Equal Opportunity
  • Ensure the right of all EEFC community members to appropriate and effective services without discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, national origin, race, color, religion, age, political affiliation, or disability, in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Confidential Information
  • Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information known due to Board service.
Collaboration and Cooperation
  • Respect the diversity of opinions as expressed or acted upon by the EEFC Board, committees and community, and formally register dissent as appropriate.
  • Promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership among EEFC Board members and members of the EEFC community.

Approved by the Board of Directors of the East European Folklife Center, Inc. May 2006

Program Committee Guidelines
for EEFC Workshop Teaching Staff and Class Selection

Organizational considerations:
  • Budget constraints – the Committee utilizes the EEFC staff budget for travel and honoraria as approved by the EEFC Board of Directors
  • Fit with EEFC mission
  • Space constraints – available class spaces per workshop/li>
  • Overhead constraints – ease or difficulty of teaching staff interaction with the organization may be considered, for instance, new staff members generally require more attention and resources, therefore the organization may not be able to hire a large number of new staff in a given year; also, new staff may require a dedicated sponsor to facilitate travel and unusual negotiations (e.g. tours, visas, transatlantic travel)/li>
  • Program Committee is not responsible to arrange visas or transatlantic travel/li>
Staff makeup
  • Evaluations – staffing suggestions and staff reviews from camper evaluations are considered seriously
  • Teaching ability and/or depth of knowledge/skill in a particular area
  • Availability of staff (some staff may be difficult to get/afford, but would be a great asset)
  • Continuity – staff members are frequently invited for a second year to provide some continuity for students and also allow new teachers to improve based on evaluations
  • Variety of staff – staff may be varied over time to allow students to experience different teaching styles
  • Diversity of staff – underrepresented groups are encouraged, e.g. male singing teachers, female instrumentalists
Themes or genre focuses


  • Staff/genre support – expected staff contributions to evening party genres that might otherwise not be covered (e.g. responsibility for running a set, dance leaders, musical support)
  • Periodically a camp will have a featured band or focus, then members of that band or focus would be priority to invite


  • Evaluations – class and level suggestions from camper evaluations are carefully considered
  • Traditional/village instruments (e.g. bitov and izvorno) are considered a priority to offer regularly as it is not easy to learn these elsewhere
  • Traditional dance (as opposed to choreographed or composed) is considered a priority
  • Modern instruments (e.g. accordion, clarinet, violin) are only offered in a Balkan style at the intermediate and advanced levels as basic skills on these instruments are widely taught elsewhere, and may not be offered every year
  • Variety of levels
  • Per class slot
  • Over the years as it is generally not possible to offer all levels every year

Approved by the Board of Directors of the East European Folklife Center, Inc. October 2004

East European Folklife Center, Inc. Policy on Harassment and Discrimination


It is the mission of East European Folklife Center (EEFC) to promote folk music and dance and to foster the understanding and respect of all peoples through shared experiences of Balkan Cultures. The workshops and events sponsored by EEFC are intended to be both educational and fun. In the course of these events, it is natural that participants will form friendships and/or romantic relationships. However, in a community of different generations, cultures and backgrounds, what is acceptable behavior to one person may be unacceptable to another, and it may be illegal. EEFC is committed to maintaining a workshop environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. Accordingly, it is and shall continue to be the policy of EEFC that its employees, contract workers, teaching staff, staff musicians, volunteers, visitors, and workshop participants be free from all forms of harassment and intimidation.

Policy Against Harassment and Discrimination:

EEFC prohibits discriminatory practices and harassment on the basis of sex, gender, age, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any factor protected by the law, whether the harassment is caused by another employee, contract worker, volunteer, supervisor, manager, teacher, staff musician, workshop participant or any other person.
Harassment can include, but is not limited to, slurs, unwanted nicknames, threats, derogatory comments, and unwelcome jokes which would make a reasonable person experiencing such harassment uncomfortable in the workshop environment. Additionally, harassment includes verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct creates an uncomfortable, intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. This may include, but is not limited to, inappropriate comments regarding an individual’s body, physical appearance, attire, sexual orientation; unwelcome flirting, or propositions.

EEFC’s policy against harassment and discrimination is intended to protect all members of the workshop community, including employees, contract workers, teaching staff, staff musicians, volunteers, visitors, and workshop participants.

Reporting Instances of Harassment:

Any employee or participant who believes he or she is being harassed or discriminated against by a coworker, manager, or other individual (whether or not a staff member of EEFC) at an EEFC-sponsored event should immediately report such incidents to (a) the Site Manager; (b) the EEFC General Manager, or (c) any member of the EEFC board. Ignoring the situation and hoping that it will correct itself simply allows the harassment or discrimination to continue.

Any employee or participant who seeks advice or information regarding whether to make a report of harassment or discrimination may consult with (a) the Site Manager; (b) the EEFC General Manager, or (c) any member of the EEFC board. Such consultations shall be confidential and shall not constitute reports of harassment or discrimination.

Reports of harassment or discrimination in violation of this Policy must be brought as soon as possible after the alleged conduct occurs. Prompt reporting will enable the EEFC to investigate the facts, determine the issues, and provide an appropriate remedy or disciplinary action. For reports of sexual harassment which are not timely brought, the EEFC shall respond to such reports to the greatest extent possible, taking into account the amount of time that has passed since the alleged conduct occurred.

How an Investigation Will Be Conducted

EEFC will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of the complaint or observation of harassment or discrimination and take appropriate remedial action based on its investigation and findings. All reports of harassment or discrimination will be investigated by the EEFC, even if the individual making the report requests that no action be taken.
Since allegations of harassment or discrimination are serious matters for all concerned, cooperation will be expected of all concerned. Discretion will be utilized in investigation and, when appropriate, remedying improper conduct. Information will be kept as confidential as possible and will be released only on a “need to know” basis. EEFC will follow its written procedures for responding to reports of harassment or discrimination, a copy of which will be provided to the complaining party and the accused party.

Allegations of Harassment or Discrimination Involving Minors

EEFC is committed to the safety of all of community members, including children in attendance at EEFC-sponsored events. Any minor, or his or her parent or guardian, who believes that the minor is being harassed or discriminated against should immediately report such instances to the Site Manager, the EEFC General Manager, or any member of the EEFC board. In such cases, the minor’s parents or legal guardians will be promptly informed of the complaint and will, for all purposes of EEFC’s investigation, stand in the role of the minor and will be kept fully informed of the progress of the investigation and its resolution.

Consistent with its commitment to safety of minors at EEFC-sponsored events, EEFC will report any incidents of a physical nature involving a minor to the appropriate Child Protective Services agency of the county where the incident takes place for further action as that agency deems appropriate.

The EEFC’s Commitment to an Effective Harassment Policy

EEFC will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who makes a good-faith complaint or who cooperates in a harassment investigation, nor will EEFC tolerate false reports of violations of this policy.
Violations of this policy, including, but not limited to, harassing or retaliatory conduct, failure or refusal to cooperate in a harassment investigation, false reports of harassment or discrimination, or other actions contrary to this policy will result in disciplinary action. Such action may include discharge from a position or expulsion from a workshop. In accordance with EEFC’s standing policy on disruptive behavior, EEFC also maintains the right to refuse admittance to anyone who has exhibited such behavior at past EEFC events.

Revised April, 2010