The Hungarian Folk Singing Circle (Népdalkör) is a fun, friendly environment for learning beautiful old Hungarian folk songs, led by Zina Bozzay. We learn the songs directly from village source recordings, with extra language support and breaking down the elements of the songs. Open to people new to the style as well as experienced singers, as we sing a range of material. Performance opportunities for those interested.
Sept 9 - Oct 14 ~ Wednesday evenings 7-9pm
$75 for 6-week session, with sliding scale/barter available
San Francisco, RSVP for exact address
The Népdalkör has a wonderful fall planned, with a beautiful collection of new songs from Zina's travels this summer. Songs from Bakony and surroundings (little-known even among folk musicians in Hungary), Palóc songs, and songs from Gyimes and Moldva. Old style, new style, heart-wrenchers and silly playful ones. Come join us Wed, Sept 9!
Please share this with any friends who may be interested, and RSVP to with interest sooner rather than later!
Zina Bozzay has been leading the Hungarian Folk Singing Circle / Népdalkör in San Francisco since 2010. She learned these songs from master folk musicians in Hungary, and shares them in the US through performances and teaching.
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