The Society for Ethnomusicology is holding its national conference in Denver and, in celebration, is holding "Ethno Nights at the Mercury Cafe"--performances every night from Wednesday 10/25 to Saturday 10/28, all open to the public. Note: The Mercury is a cash-only establishment. Mercury Cafe, 2199 California St, Denver, CO 80205
Wednesday 10/25: Music of Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean with Planina and Sherefe.
7:30–11:00pm in the Dance Hall (upstairs)
• 7:30-8:45pm: Planina - Songs of Eastern Europe. Planina explores the penetrating harmonies, asymmetric rhythms, and gorgeous melodies of traditional music from the Balkans and Russia.
• 9:00-11:00pm: Sherefe. Sherefe are Colorado’s well-loved ambassadors of music from the Eastern Mediterranean specializing in Turkish, Greek, Arabic, and Balkan Folk traditions.