Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long summer camps. Follow the links below to read all about them!

June 15-22, 2024
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August 10-17, 2024
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Find out almost everything you always wanted to know about the EEFC’s in-person Balkan camps.


Kids at Camp!

Our in-person workshops are a great experience for families. Get the scoop to ensure everyone has a blast!


We award full scholarships to our in-person workshops.
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What the hell were you thinking, Gustav?

June 1, 2020 at 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Why do we keep finding Jewish musical morsels in every composer since the first medieval Jewish bard, Antonicus Prohíacus? Did Gustav Mahler really unwittingly compose part of “Fiddler on the Roof”? Is there a formula to calculate the difference between what a composer intended and what musicologists assert? This lecture chronicles the interconnection between Jewish and classical music from the Medieval to Contemporary eras. Beginning with the earliest western Jewish exemplars, we’ll either find — or contest the findings of — Jewishness in the works of Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist and Post Modern works. Josh will offer some compositional insights into the hotly contested “Jewish” elements in the classical world and continually ask, “What is Jewish in this and why do we even care?” Bring your own Meyerbeer.
