Balkan Music &
Dance Workshops

Every summer the EEFC presents two week-long workshops. Follow the links below to read all about them and to register!

June 28-July 5, 2025
More info…

August 9-16, 2025
More info…


Kids at Camp!

Our in-person workshops are a great experience for families. Get the scoop to ensure everyone has a blast!


Get the FAQs

Find out almost everything you always wanted to know about the EEFC’s in-person Balkan camps.


The EEFC awards several full scholarships to each in-person Balkan Music & Dance Workshop.

We encourage dancers, singers, and instrumentalists to apply whether they are new to Balkan music, song, and dance (and our workshops) or veterans, have Balkan roots or not, whether they are professionals or amateurs. We are looking for people who will help us spread the joy of Balkan music and dance.


Who is eligible to receive a scholarship?
Scholarship applicants must be individuals age 7 or older: beginning, intermediate, or advanced musicians, singers or dancers. First-time and returning attendees, including previous scholarship recipients, may apply. There is a two-camp-year waiting period between scholarships for adults. You are eligible this year if you last received a scholarship in 2019 or before. Ideal candidates will help the EEFC fulfill our mission and vision.

How can I apply for one?
Click on the red Application tab below that applies to you: New (adult who’s never been to Balkan camp), Returning (adult who’s been to Balkan camp before), or Youth (any person 7-17 years old). You only need to apply once—we’ll consider your application for all the scholarships for which you are eligible.

What is a scholarship worth?
Full-time tuition under our sliding-scale system is:

  • Adult Full: $1300
  • Adult Pay-It-Forward: $1560 (price includes $260 charitable donation)
  • Adult Subsidized: $975
  • Child 7-17: $675

Please note that the full tuition schedule for each workshop is linked to each camp page once registration is open in the early spring.


What are the deadlines to apply for a scholarship?

  • Mendocino: March 1, 2025
  • Iroquois Springs: April 13, 2025



EEFC Dick Crum/Kef Scholarships

Through generous donations from our community, the Dick Crum/Kef Scholarship enables several awardees to attend each of the two seven-day Balkan Music & Dance Workshops with a full or partial waiver of fees, covering tuition and room and board. These awards are given to new and returning attendees, to singers, dancers, and instrumentalists. Learn more about Dick Crum.

Stefni Agin Scholarship

This scholarship is funded by Jerry Agin and other generous donors in memory of Stefni Agin, an active EEFC community member and longtime Balkan Music & Dance Workshop attendee. This scholarship is awarded to a singer for attendance at the East Coast/Iroquois Springs workshop. Learn more about Stefni Agin.

Lillie Cooper Scholarship

This scholarship is funded through a donation from Roger Cooper, in memory of his mother, Lillie. Lillie was a longtime international folk dancer in Long Island. Roger and his family have attended the East Coast workshop for many years. This scholarship is awarded to a dancer for attendance at the East Coast/Iroquois Springs workshop.

Susan K. Anderson Scholarship

This scholarship is funded through a bequest from Susan Anderson and gifts from her family and friends in her memory. This scholarship is awarded to a dancer, singer, or instrumentalist to either workshop. Learn more about Susan K. Anderson.

Good To Go Youth Scholarship

This scholarship is generously funded by Kate Gerson and other family and friends of Mathew Good, a longtime Mendocino camper who began attending in his teens. Mathew was the father of two small children whom he always wanted to bring to camp. In his memory, this scholarship is awarded to one youth applicant age 12-17 to the West Coast/Mendocino workshop each year.

Scholarship Details


  • All scholarship recipients are required to attend the entire duration of the workshop (full week).
  • All scholarship recipients are required to attend orientation.
  • All scholarship recipients are expected to provide feedback on their workshop experience by completing the post-camp online survey.
  • All workshop attendees are expected to wear name tags throughout the week.
  • All workshop attendees are expected to participate in volunteer tasks.
  • All scholarship recipients are expected to provide a short article on their experience, with a picture, for publication in the EEFC newsletter the Kef Times. The Kef Times editor will contact recipients after the workshop with details on timing, format, etc.
  • Scholarships are awarded to fully or partially cover the registration fee, which covers class tuition, room and board. Transportation expenses to and from the workshops are covered by the recipient.
  • Recipients of partial scholarships are expected to pay the remainder of the workshop registration fee, or apply for a work exchange position to cover the remainder of the fee. Please note that receipt of a scholarship does not guarantee a work exchange position.
  • Recipients who are under the age of 18 MUST have a parent or guardian attend the workshop with them. Registration for parents and guardians is not included in the scholarship award.
  • Please refer to the Kids at Camp section of this website for information about minors, parent or guardian attendance, and required forms.



Mission Engagement Potential (9 points possible)

  • candidate demonstrates commitment to meaningful learning in Balkan folk traditions
  • candidate expresses an openness to collaborating across areas of music, dance, and cultural components of Balkan folk traditions, OR a depth of participation in one area
  • candidate demonstrates potential to share the work of the EEFC in their broader community (teaching, performing, community education initiatives, recruiting activities, etc.)

Community Engagement Potential (9 points possible)

  • candidate demonstrates potential to maintain engagement with the admin/organizational work of the EEFC year round (via individual projects, committee work, etc.)
  • candidate demonstrates potential or history of contributing to the camp community in a positive way during the workshops
  • candidate has potential to bring in participants from underrepresented groups

Financial Need (5 points possible)

  • candidate’s application indicates financial need

Community Fit (9 points possible)

  • application is thoughtfully considered and compelling, indicates commitment to the process, time spent reviewing the criteria and the program components, etc.
  • returning applicants only: candidate references meaningful experiences from previous workshops that indicate continuing scholarship funds are well-deserved
  • candidate identifies background that is underrepresented in our community
  • candidate identifies musical or dance interest that is underrepresented in our community

Total Possible Points: 32

Application for First-Time Campers

If you’re at least 18 years old and haven’t been to a workshop before, on either coast, this is the application for you! Before you apply, please familiarize yourself with the information here.

Application Deadlines

2025 Application deadlines are:

  • West Coast/Mendocino workshop: March 1, 2025
  • East Coast/Iroquois Springs workshop: April 13, 2025

Please fill out the application below, answering the questions in a complete but succinct fashion. Because you can only submit the application form once, we suggest you compose your answers in a text-editing or word-processing program, then copy and paste them into the form below.

Please note that scholarships are awarded on the basis of written applications. CDs, websites, music samples, and the like are not reviewed during the decision process. The committee may contact applicants for phone interviews.


Application for Returning Campers

If you’re at least 18 years old and you’ve been to a workshop before, on either coast, whether you received a scholarship or not, this is the application for you! There is a two-camp-year waiting period between adult scholarships, so if you received an adult scholarship in 2024, please wait to apply again. (If you received a scholarship as a youth in 2024, and you have since turned 18, you are eligible this year. You’re also eligible if you are accompanying a youth scholarship applicant to camp.)

Application Deadlines

2025 Application deadlines are:

  • West Coast/Mendocino workshop: March 1, 2025
  • East Coast/Iroquois Springs workshop: April 13, 2025

Please fill out the application below, answering the questions in a complete but succinct fashion. Because you can only submit the application form once, we suggest you compose your answers in a text-editing or word-processing program, then copy and paste them into the form below.

Please note that scholarships are awarded on the basis of written applications. CDs, websites, music samples, and the like are not reviewed during the decision process. The committee may contact applicants for phone interviews.


Application for Youth (ages 7-17), New or Returning

If you are between the ages of 7 to 17, this is the application for you! There is no waiting period between scholarships for youth applicants. If you received a scholarship in 2024, you are still eligible for 2025—please apply! If you haven’t been to a workshop before, please familiarize yourself with the information here.

Application Deadlines

2025 Application deadlines are:

  • West Coast/Mendocino workshop: March 1, 2025
  • East Coast/Iroquois Springs workshop: April 13, 2025

Please fill out the application below, answering the questions in a complete but succinct fashion. Because you can only submit the application form once, we suggest you compose your answers in a text-editing or word-processing program, then copy and paste them into the form below.

Please note that scholarships are awarded on the basis of written applications. CDs, websites, music samples, and the like are not reviewed during the decision process. The committee may contact applicants for phone interviews.


The application process can be intimidating. The Scholarship Committee has put together the following tips to guide you, because ultimately, we’re all rooting for your success!

You don’t have to be an award-winning writer to do well in our application process. We’re looking for folks who give a thorough and honest effort, because that’s the kind of attitude that will maximize your experience at our workshops. You need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone, take the time to process and practice, and zero in on the details to learn in the midst of the intense and playful environment our camps offer. Earnest effort is always well received, so do your best, and the Scholarship Committee looks forward to reviewing your applications.

  • Scholarships are awarded on the basis of written applications. CDs, websites, music samples, and the like are not reviewed during the decision process. However, we are well aware that writing isn’t everyone’s forte. Before you get frustrated, we encourage you to ask a friend for assistance! Cook a buddy dinner or treat them to coffee while they help you craft an application that truly reflects your talents, goals, and personality. Obviously, don’t have someone write the whole thing for you, but don’t suffer in silence if writing is really hard for you or if English is a second language. We get it!
  • Don’t use your phone to submit applications. Unless you want to represent yourself with short and disjointed answers riddled with poor punctuation and the heavy handed influence of autocorrect, just don’t do it. This is one of those instances where using an actual computer will go miles toward your success.
  • Use the rubric. We’ve published the exact criteria that you’ll be judged on under the “Scholarship Details” tab above. Use this insider knowledge to shape your responses. It’s really easy to tell who has read the website thoroughly and who hasn’t. This tells us a little bit about an applicant’s levels of focus, grit, and discipline. Everything on our website is for your benefit, so use it!
  • Never give up! This is a competitive process, and it is very common for applicants to apply more than once before receiving their first scholarship. But scholarships aren’t the only way to get to camp. If we can’t give you a scholarship this year, please apply for a work exchange position by emailing your coast’s Site Manager! It’s a great way to integrate into the community, and while you may have to battle a little FOMO, there’s so much to do at our workshops every hour of every day that we guarantee you’ll get your fill of music, dance, and laughter.


How You Can Help

Scholarships are sometimes the only way people can attend a workshop. Please consider donating to our scholarship funds. 100% of your donation goes toward bringing someone to a workshop to share your knowledge of and passion for Balkan music and dance. Thank you!

Read about past Scholars in Kef Times! You’ll find articles about each workshop’s recipients beginning with the Fall/Winter 2003-2004 issue.