
East Coast EEFC Community Forum in Boston

The EEFC board and staff, are looking forward to continuing the conversations at our 5th community forum, happening in Boston Saturday, March 21. These forums are an opportunity for our community to come together and share their thoughts with each other and the board about where they want to see the EEFC, and our workshops, in the future, how we imagine our community evolving into the future, and what can be done to help make our hoped-for future a reality. Come and share your passion, love, questions, and constructive energy with us!

Boston Community Forum

Saturday Saturday, March 21, 2:00 – 4:00pm
8 Wright St., Cambridge, MA

This is a private home on a very small street, with the usual Cambridge parking restrictions. Mass Ave is right around the corner, tho, with metered parking available. We will provide tea and coffee — it would be very nice if you brought a snack to share.

Can’t be there?

If you can’t join us, please feel free to share you input with us through our “contact us” email or at

Message from Amy Mills on Behalf of the Board

Amy Mills Message on Behalf of the baord

I know that it has been a stressful few years for the EEFC, as we work to weather financial stresses and organizational changes. As I see through my own work as an event manager and arts administrator, these same tensions are being felt in arts and cultural non-profits throughout the country. Sometimes, it seems like the hardest thing to do is to remember to listen, be kind to one another and find concrete ways to move forward.

As you may know, the EEFC is in a period of transition. We don’t know all the answers to how the organization will move forward into the future. Part of this is because we are trying to take things slowly enough to ensure staff, board, and community are on the same page. As such, staff and board members have been talking about how to remain sustainable and supportive of one another. Community forums are being held in several places around the country, when possible to do without incurring travel costs. (See below for more details.) These issues will also be discussed at length at the board’s spring meeting in mid-March.

Two Goals

In the big picture, however, the main things have not changed. As a community and an organization, we must remain focused on two large goals: filling the summer workshops and raising sufficient funds to keep the organization running smoothly.

Many of you have approached us and offered your help. We’re incredibly thankful for the giving spirit of this community in this way. Right now, we can use your help most to fill the summer workshops. Word-of-mouth remains the single most powerful way to get people to sign up for camp.

What can I do?

First, you can go sign up for camp yourself. Registering early shows others that the event is popular—so they want to jump in too.

Second, you can encourage the people in your immediate circle to attend—tell members of your band, choir, dance group, and your good friends how much fun we have! If they are low-income, let them know about our scholarships (still open for East Coast!) and work exchange options.

Third, if you’re a key player in your local Balkan community, we can use your help spreading the word. Please make announcements at your events, on your listservs, and to your social media circles. You can request EEFC postcards by emailing and specifying how many cards you would like. If you have access to a printer, you can print your own postcards from our website: {LINK HERE}. And remember—it’s the one-on-one personal touch that makes the most difference because community is about feeling welcomed and needed.

Thank you to all of you who already do these things and much more. I truly believe that these small kindnesses and moments of reaching out can be some of the most powerful. Let’s keep working together to make the organization sustainable, support the people doing the day-to-day work, and keep our Balkan workshops fun and successful.

With love and hope,
Amy Mills, on behalf of the board of directors

Yes, you’re in the right place!

We’ve launched our new website. It’s new, so there will still be some kinks to work out. The exciting part is that we pulled it together in time to open registration for west coast camp!

The old website served us well for quite a few years thanks to Demetri’s creativity, technological savvy and deep, deep well of generosity. And while it is bitter sweet to see a body of your work pass on, Demetri confirms that passing the baton to board member Elena Erber and long-time EEFC member and former board member Matthew Fass is a welcome change of pace: “Congratulations on our new website. It really looks great and I know it will help shepherd the EEFC to being the ‘go to place’ for all things Balkan music and dance! Thank you for all your hard work!”

Why a new website? It was time to make the site easier to use. The site is designed to take advantage of newer technology like adapting to be viewed on different sized screens including handhelds. It’s built on a WordPress platform which provides a user-friendly back-end which means it will be easier for our staff and volunteers to add and update the content and keep you informed in a more timely manner. We’ve simplified many of the forms so we hope the process of registering or donating will be that much simpler. We’ve updated the calendar and have high hopes that you will use it often so it becomes the “go to ” place Balkan music & dance events and activities.

Rachel MacFarlane, Elena and Matthew have been pulling long hours to get the site up and running in time to offer a new interface for registration and payment. We made certain strategic decisions together regarding what content to bring over from the old site.

You may notice a few things missing. We’ve removed the EEFC radio since it hadn’t been added to for quite a few years. You won’t find the “Balkan Culture” pages for now. We’ll be relaunching that section with is resources and information about various aspects of Balkan music, dance, and traditions, in the future. We will take the seed of the idea that Demetri planted and grow into a revised and updated version. If you are interested in helping please volunteer.

Kef Times and Forum Folkloristika can be found under the “publications” drop down in the navigation bar. The contents of Forum Folklorisitka is being moved over little by little. Its a big job but we’ll get it there.

EEFC 2015 Community Forums

In the fall of 2014 the board set about to create occasions for us all to talk together about what camp means to us and what we think the future holds. What brings us to camp? What do we most love about it? What do we think needs to be changed? Who do we think will be coming to camp 5, or 25 years from now? Who do we want to be coming to camp? What will camp look like then?

We are a community that wears lots of different hats, often at the same time—members, founding mothers and fathers, staff, volunteers, teachers, current and past board members, grew-up-at-camp campers, new campers, lapsed campers, family campers, East Coast, West Coast, Middle Coast. We want to make sure that all these different perspectives are brought to the table.

Five forums were scheduled (Boulder, Brooklyn, Seattle, Berkeley, and Boston) for the first quarter of 2015. Invitations shared via the EEFC newsletter, listserv, website and Facebook—come and share your passion, love, questions, and constructive energy with us!


Summaries of the Forums

Boulder Community Forum January 11, 2015

1 Board member (Biz Hertzberg) and 3 community members got together to talk about the future of the EEFC.

How can the EEFC provide more tour support?
  • some sort of online community repository for what venues and/or folk dance groups in what towns are receptive to touring Balkan oriented bands.
How can we get more college kids to come to camp?
  • Facilitating college credit.
  • Talking to music/ethnomusic faculty.

Brooklyn Community Forum January 17, 2015

4 Board members (Corinna Snyder, Eva Salina Primack, Noel Kropf and Elena Erber) joined Rachel MacFarlane and about 12 community members in the back room at Freddy’s Bar to talk about the EEFC and its future. The major topics and ideas discussed were:

How the EEFC can support bands:
  • Fiscal sponsorship for grants – noted how helpful this is for bands looking for grants given only to not for profits, clarified that this is not a money maker for the EEFC
  • Talked about using the website to publish a list of Balkan-friendly venues, gigs, bands around the U.S., to help bands and musicians plan tours.
  • Use of membership list more to get people to shows.
Using non-EEFC events to promote the EEFC
  • Discussion of partnership with ZU and our role at Golden Festival in terms of how much EEFC publicity we do and how much is acceptable/appropriate. Rachel affirmed that it really is ZU’s festival.
Board communications
  • Community is looking for more particulars about how things work organizationally/ programatically. What is on the website, and in our monthly newsletters do not do enough. Board should be talking more about how programming happens, what are the complications/limitations insofar as advance hiring is concerned, what criteria come into play when creating a full slate of teacher/performers, constraints teachers have.
Collaborating with ethnic and émigré communities
  • Talked about how valuable it is for us to collaborate more with ethnic/émigré communities in North America, and performing artists in the Balkans
  • Talked about how we balance and bring together music, dance, and community from disparate cultures, and manage the tensions that sometimes arise.
How can we grow camp attendance:
  • Rachel pointed out that we’re not always sure as to what affects attendance. Many different factors. Group conclusion: Word of mouth still best way to get people to camp.
Confirming current staffing approach for ED
  • Confirmed that Amy is pro bono and focusing her continuing efforts on development, and that we don’t know yet what the ED role should look like in the future, and when/how we will staff it.
Importance of scholarships in expanding our community.
  • Discussed scholarships at other camps — KlezKanada is +/- 25% scholarship, thanks to a large donor base — and what we have done to grow scholarship. Local scholarships are a great and viable option. Also personal scholarships (similar to Biz’s pay it forward arrangement and what Diane Montgomery has done for years).
How can we bring young people to camp?
  • How can we harness the excitement of Golden fest and get these people to EEFC events?
  • Important to have an option that’s open for newcomers, and good transportation support/options.
  • Idea: 1-day intensive midweek workshop at camp that would bring a charter busload from New York — arrive for or after lunch, attend a dance class, a primer on music and dance in the Balkans, and maybe an instrument or singing class. They have dinner with the week-long campers, go to the dance party and even an hour of the kafana and take the bus back to NY.
Noted that the B&B option at IS is a great way to try camp out. Idea of a van that drives people up to camp (IS) for overnights.
  • Implications of that, however, are the additional admin work.
  • Noted changing demographic (younger musicians vs. recreational folk dancers). We rely on an aging dancer-heavy group for our donations and financial support.
  • Noted that the “thrashers/noodle dancers” will eventually join the line. Have patience.
  • Many said that personal connection is what works to raise awareness. Not sure if Balkan Shout out achieved the goal. The EEFC website should be THE online resource for Balkan music in the U.S.
  • Trying to get young people to come to folk dancing is tough—local dance scenes are very different from Golden Fest (implying they are much less appealing to young people).
  • Once people get into the scene, through a festival or any such event, they will hear about camp.
Power of volunteering
  • Crucial to the operation of both our workshops and our organization.
    Important to mentor the next wave of volunteers.
Community building
  • Need for a “real” development plan and a strategic plan, a re-assesment and a clarification of our story
  • Need that process to be very inclusive of community engagementIdea: a 1-day facilitated retreat for planning and conversation — Berkshire-Taconic Foundation ( — they assist groups with their organizational needs.

Seattle Community Forum February 21, 2015

Berkeley Community Forum March 14, 2015

Boston Community Forum March 21, 2015


Share Camp. Spread the Word.

Download a flyer or request postcards.

Post all around your town. At the local music shop, music school, dance centers. Bring them to events—Balkan and otherwise. Email them to your friends, fan club, or class list! Invite people to JOIN THE CIRCLE!

Color 8.5″ x 11″ flyers
Download a PDF (1.6 MB)
Download a jpg

Black & white 8.5″ x 11″ flyers
Download a PDF (6.2 MB)
Download a jpg

Balkan Music and Dance Workshops 2015

Once again the Program Committee is hard at work building a teaching staff for each workshop. While they continue to juggle schedules, travel plans, and more, they have put together a sneak peek at a few of the 50+ teachers that we can expect this summer.

We are very excited to bring to you a preview of some of the wondrous new offerings you can expect at this summer’s workshops. This is just a small representation of the forthcoming slate, so rest assured that you will see many familiar and treasured names appear when the finalized program is announced shortly.

Yours in music and dance,
EEFC Program Committee: Demetri Tashie, chair, Belle Birchfield, Erin Kurtz, Lise Liepman, Brenna MacCrimmon, Rachel MacFarlane

The Sneak Peek:
We are delighted to welcome Bob Beer back to Mendocino after an extended absence. Bob, who has been living in Turkey for many years studying various musical styles, will be offering a class in kemençe/Pontic lyra and a Turkish singing class.

Ethnomusicologist and multi-instrumentalist Kalin Kirilov will be teaching accordion and a Bulgarian ornament/theory class at both east and west coast workshops.

Milo Destanovski, a native of Berovo, Macedonia, will be back to teach zurla at both workshops, and, new this year, will be leading a Macedonian dance class at Mendocino. He will be joined at the east coast workshop by Jessica Ruiz, where they will offer multiple levels of zurla instruction and lead the Macedonian village ensemble.

Miamon Miller, master of Romanian music, will teach a violin class and direct the Trans-Carpathian ensemble at Mendocino.

Known for his early fieldwork in Bulgarian and Serbian folk dances, Martin Koenig will be teaching Vlach dances and more at Mendocino.

For our devoted dancers on the East Coast, we welcome back Joe Graziosi (Greek) and Steve Kotansky (Albanian and other Balkan) to Iroquois Springs. Stay tuned—more dance teachers are in the works.

The Rhodopes are well represented by Maria and Vassil Bebelekov as they add their Bulgarian magic to the Woodlands and the Catskills, Vassil leading gajda and bitov ensemble and Maria Bulgarian singing classes.

The inimitable Merita Halili and Raif Hyseni will weave their Albanian enchantment once more at Iroquois Springs.

Vlado Pupinoski, who taught to rave reviews last year at Mendocino, will be offering Macedonian clarinet and sax classes on both coasts this year.

If you missed Ljubomir Živkov’s Serbian singing class at Iroquois Springs last year, this year he’ll be offering two classes of songs from the former Yugoslavia.

Tapan will be finessed by Matt Moran at Iroquois Springs and Jerry Kisslinger at Mendocino.

This list is just the tip of the iceberg. Please stay tuned as there will be lots more information coming soon, when we announce the full, confirmed slates as soon as workshop registration opens next month.

West Coast EEFC Community Forums Announced

west-coast-mapThe EEFC board and staff, are looking forward to continuing the conversations at our 3rd and 4th community forums, happening in Seattle (2/21) and Berkeley (3/14) respectively. These forums are an opportunity for our community to come together and share their thoughts with each other and the board about where they want to see the EEFC, and our workshops, in the future, how we imagine our community evolving into the future, and what can be done to help make our hoped-for future a reality. Come and share your passion, love, questions, and constructive energy with us!

Seattle Community Forum

Saturday February 21, 1:00 – 3:00pm
University Heights Center, 5031 University Way, NE

Our Seattle gathering, which coincides with Balkan Night Northwest, will take place at the University Heights Center, 5031 University Way NE, Seattle, WA, 98105 from 1:00 – 3:00pm on Saturday, February 21.

A note about parking: there are a few parking lots available around the building. Only use unreserved spots. There will be a farmers’ market happening until 2pm in the parking lot. Many of the classes in the building end at noon, and some parking spots should free up at that time.

Berkeley Community Forum

Saturday March 14, 11:30am – 2:00pm
Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Ave

Our Bay Area forum coincides with the Spring meeting of the EEFC’s Board of Directors, and will be held at Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA from 11:30 AM to 2 PM on Saturday, March 14th.

We will meet in the back studio. No food or drink will be available at Ashkenaz during our meeting, so please eat lunch before, or bring a non-messy lunch/snack with you, and bring water also! If you are planning to attend, please send an RSVP to so that we can let Ashkenaz staff know an approximate number of chairs to set up.

Can’t be there?

If you can’t join us, please feel free to share you input with us through our “contact us” email or at

Richard Herbert “Dick” Forsyth

March 10, 1929 – November 26, 2014

Richard Herbert “Dick” Forsyth of Newton, Mass., died on November 26, 2014, in Cambridge from several medical problems including influenza, pneumonia, and amyloidosis. He was surrounded by his wife and three children (one by telephone) during his final hours, which were peaceful. He was 85.

Dick was born March 10, 1929, in Chicago to Lowell and Esther (Olson) Forsyth. He earned a BS in Chemistry from Grove City College (Grove City, PA) in 1951. He married Diana Bowden of Cardiff, Wales in 1959, and moved to the Boston area. They had two children, Kristina and Matthew, and divorced in 1974. He married Martha Schecter in 1976, and adopted her son, Peter.

As a young man, Dick enjoyed driving in rally races. Throughout his life, he entertained a wide variety of interests, most shared with his family. After an early career in chemistry, he pursued his interest in audio recording technology, and audio engineering and electronic repair were a central element of his various jobs until he retired. His interest in audio recording intertwined with Martha’s passion for Bulgarian folk music and culture. In recent years he began singing, and joined several groups, ranging from traditional Balkan to Sacred Harp singing. He also enjoyed exploring esoteric TV, movies, and literature, an interest he actively shared with Kristina.

Dick is survived by his wife, Martha; his daughter, Kristina; his son, daughter-in-law, and grandson (Matthew, Mary, Colleen); and his son, Peter. He is preceded in death by his sister, Nancy.

Dick’s remains were cremated without ceremony shortly after his death. A memorial will be held in early 2015. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Dick’s rich and varied life.

Stay in touch with his family, and find out more about Dick.

Update from Executive Director Jay House

It has been a busy summer, with two wonderful camps, and the June launch of Kef Times in its new, easy-to-share format, as well as its expansion to a thrice-yearly publication (look for a new issue on or about Sept 15). Now, as I see back-to-school pictures spread across Facebook, and prepare to send my own daughter to kindergarten here in NY, in just about a week, it begins to feel like Fall.

There is something about the change of season and new start of each school-year that makes me feel like renewal. With that in mind, I am excited to get back into the swing of giving you all monthly updates about EEFC news and accomplishments.

We have a lot of fresh energy in this area, inspired by the board’s commitment, made in our Spring 2014 board meeting, to an active role in fundraising for the organization. I am also really happy to be working with a strong chair of the development committee, board member Amy Mills, who has recently signed on in this capacity. Here are a few highlights.

  • Amy, along with board and fundraising committee member Nancy Leeper, and I are about to start working on the end-of year donation/membership renewal letter. Please stay tuned for that in November (and as a reminder, if you are a member, memberships all run on a calender year, and therefore are up for renewal as of December 31, 2014).
  • We are pleased to share that the spring fund drive generated $6,000 in donations. Our goal was $15,000, but we learned a lot from our first time out, and will come back in the spring of 2015 to reprise the effort.
  • Even more exciting, we are very happy to share that an anonymous donor has committed to a two-year gift of $10,000 per year for general support. We learned this while at Iroquois Springs, and are very excited about the support from the community this shows.
  • Finally, I am delighted to share that between the two camps this summer, we raised $13,000 in scholarship money. I will work with the board and the scholarship committee to determine the best way to use the money, with an eye towards leveraging an unprecedented amount of scholarship money for long-term benefit.

There is also quite a bit of financial work going on right now, as Traci and Rachel reconcile camp expenses and income, all of which is necessary for developing a 2015 budget in time for the start of the EEFC’s new fiscal year on October 1. That takes a lot of focused energy, and means that we don’t yet know the full picture of the year, financially speaking, but we are dedicating our energies there now.

This month, in advance of the fall board meeting (Sept 18-20, in NYC) I will be developing the 2015 budget, which the board will review at the meeting. In the past, we have struggled to have this ready, due to the tight turn-around between the end of the East Coast Camp, and the end of the fiscal year.

None of this could have happened without the support, both in terms of volunteer effort, and memberships and donations, that you, our community contribute. Thank you for your part in the work we do.

Next month, look for my update in the next issue of the all-new Kef Times which will now be appearing three time each year.

Thanks for reading, and please keep in touch with me if you have questions, comments, or concerns about what’s happening with the EEFC.


Posted By Jay House, Aug 29, 2014

Fall 2013 Board Meeting Summary

by Corinna Snyder, EEFC Board President


The Board posts our Board meeting notes on the website — here is a link to them. We agreed it would be good to also provide a summary of our meeting outcomes, so I’ve written one up, and here it is. It’s lengthy – as you can see we have a lot to do!

First and foremost on our to do list is fundraising. As you’ll read below, while we exceeded our fundraising goals, we still ran at a deficit this year, and we have run at a deficit for a few years now. We need to turn this around, and we will do so – and we will need your help!

Please reach out to me, or any other board member, including Jay, if you have questions – any one of us would be happy to hear from you.

Fall 2013 Board Meeting Summary
We confirmed the Strategy and Goals for the EEFC that we developed at the spring meeting:

  • Transition the Board out of operations: Our goal is to have our staff to take on the day-to-day operations of the organization so the board can focus on long term planning, fundraising, and governance. We are calling this Chart the Course.
  • Demonstrate our reach beyond the workshop programming: We want to bring the joy of Balkan music, dance and folkways to more people that we can reach just through our two workshops. Examples might be publications, online resources, educational programming. We call this More than Camp.
  • Raise the profile of the EEFC: We want the EEFC to be recognized as a significant resource for those interested in Balkan music, dance, and culture. We call this EEFC = The Source.

We agreed that to help the organization achieve these goals, we need a fourth goal: Improve our financial, technological, and organizational capabilities. We are calling this Build the Base.

Our realities:

  • Workshop costs are rising
  • Fundraising needs to grow
  • All staff are part-time and hours are limited
  • We depend on work exchanges and volunteers
  • Camp attendance at the Mendocino camp is lower than we want it to be
  • There is both opportunity and need for other revenue generating program offerings to offset workshop deficits, and
  • We need more consistent communications to our community.

Looking forward we want to:

  • Do more of what we do well
  • Better support people’s desires to help
  • Work better as an organizational team
  • Experiment with partnerships
  • Expand our reach beyond camp
  • Develop a fundraising plan, and
  • Continue to improve communication and transparency.

What we have accomplished this year, and our goals for the next 6-12 months

Financial Update
The finance committee and our intrepid staff have transitioned our books to conform to the Unified Chart of Accounts (UCA) protocols, a standard for nonprofit bookkeeping and accounting with categories that align with those on Form 990, our annual report to the IRS. By using this format, we can demonstrate to others that we are responsibly managing our finances. Now we can see our financial position in real time, and can compare our estimated costs and revenues to our actual costs and revenues with greater ease. In addition, our budgeting process is now integrated into our bookkeeping system, making the process easier, and letting us run scenarios. This is a huge and positive change: in the past, when I was asked to authorize an unexpected cost, it was difficult to determine the potential impact or what we needed to do offset the cost elsewhere. Those days are over! Lastly, this change puts us in a much better position to apply for grants from foundations, who like to see the ability to follow UCA protocols as a sign of good financial responsibility.

HUGE thanks to the finance committee (Biz, Jay, Doug, Nancy) and Traci for making this happen, and thanks to previous board members and staff who worked hard to keep us fully in compliance with the IRS, and our books clean—we are building on what you all started and/or stewarded for so many years.

Going forward we will be developing a multiyear budget to better plan for financial need, we’ll raise tuition a small amount annually to keep pace with rising costs of workshops, and we’ll continue to keep a close eye on our expenses at Iroquois Springs.

Financial FYI: Our camp at Iroquois Springs, as it is currently structured, does not break even. The cost to rent the facility (including food), which is the vast majority of the total cost, is fixed. We don’t want to pay our staff less or diminish the quality of our program, and we want to continue to provide as many work-exchange opportunities as possible to make it easier for more people to attend camp. Jay and I are analyzing different scenarios that we hope will result in a balanced budget for IS. Your ongoing support via the annual campaign, membership, and auction/donation/volunteering will help.

Technology Update
Jay and community volunteers have cataloged the different systems and software packages the EEFC uses to manage documents and data. Long story short—many systems can’t (or won’t) talk to each other and we have lots of documents floating around, with too much resident on local hard drives.

This year, a community-sourced tech team will recommend a technology infrastructure that gives staff and the board easy access to up-to-date, comprehensive, and accurate financial, membership, and other operational data and documents. Thank you in advance, tech team!

Board Operations Update
We need to update our bylaws to reflect recent changes (e.g., the new position of Executive Director), and to allow our community be a more active part of our committees by opening up committee participation to non-board members. Our new secretary, Ann, will lead that effort. We will also update the Policies and Procedures document to reflect the new roles and responsibilities of the ED and the organization. Nancy will lead that effort.

Fundraising Update
This year we raised more than we forecasted, which was great news. Congratulations to everyone who participated in that effort. Going forward, we will improve the membership program, and build relationships with individual donors. The EEFC will ask new programs (publishing projects, children’s education programs, etc) to help raise funds for their own efforts, including pursuing outside funding for support.

Marketing/Communications Update
New board member Elena Erber has begun creating a marketing and communications plan for the organization. This will help us produce regular community updates, provide an effective push to sell spots in both of our workshops (which has the potential to have a serious impact on the EEFC’s bottom line), and help us develop effective outreach to new organizations and individuals.

Workshop Update
We know it takes a village to create our two villages every year—but just how much of a village? We want to better understand what it takes to make the workshops happen. This year we’ll be asking the board, staff, work-exchange and volunteers who does what, what skills are needed, and how many hours does it take, to make it all happen. We hope this will help us find a way to better manage the cost of producing the workshops, and better recognize the contributions many of you make to create our workshops.

New Programs
We have community members who want to lead two pilot programs:
In-school program in NYC to teach Balkan repertoire, by ear
Cocek Nation, involving multiteacher rehearsals outside of camp, two or three performances, and a recording.
We raised $2,400 total at the IS auction for these two new programs, and there was very positive community support. These are also likely grant proposal candidates—expect to hear more in the future. Thank you IS campers for your support – you showed remarkable generosity, and just as importantly, you showed us you want to support the next generation of musicians, and you understand the value of bringing music education to children who may not have access to any arts education.

EEFC’s current resources include:

  • · Forum Folkloristika, the songbook, Kef Times, FAQs, and the listserv archives.

We discussed possible future programs, such as edited online discussions (similar to what happens now on the listserv on an ad hoc basis among recognized experts), an online resource center, and a YouTube channel. The publications committee will lead this effort, including developing a plan to pursue grant funding.

The Board agreed that the scholarship application and selection process needs to be better defined and communicated, and that if that is done well, the board will not need to have as much (or any) representation on the committee. This is a great example of our “Chart the Course” goal. Ann will lead that effort.

Scholarship FYI: Crum/Kef Scholarships are funded by donations to the EEFC scholarship fund. The average awards each year are three full positions per camp, with some awardees receiving full scholarships, some receiving partial scholarships, usually half or three-quarters. Stefni Agin Scholarship averages one full scholarship per year, and is funded by Jerry Agin and an anonymous donor. The Balkan Night Northwest Scholarship is a half or full scholarship for a resident of the Pacific Northwest and is funded by Balkan Night Northwest.

Workshop Programming
The committee is transitioning to longer range planning to allow us to coordinate workshop programming with other EEFC efforts, such as publications, and fundraising efforts, and to make it easier to program for more areas of interest on a more regular basis. It also will let us hire teachers who may need more lead-time to commit to teaching at our workshops.

Our goal is to have 1, 2, 3 and 5 year plans running concurrently, and to have “guest curators” who will work with core workshop programming committee members to recommend a full compliment of teachers for a particular slate that they are steeped in ( i.e Romanian, Bosnian, Sephardic, etc).

Summary by Corinna Snyder, EEFC Board President